Prof. Rajesh Kumar Sharma
As the first Dean of College Development Council, a warm welcome to all the stakeholders to the second state university of Himachal Pradesh, situated at the heart of Himachal Pradesh known as “Chhoti Kashi” famous for temples and International Shivratri Fair. The foremost objective of the office of the Dean College Development Council is to act as an intermediary between the university and its Affiliated Colleges and function under the orders and control of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor. In a short-span of time, the University has carved a perfect niche for itself by adopting latest technologies in its functioning and is going to be a true educational hub in the years to come. I seek the cooperation of every college affiliated to us for raising the educational standard of this newly born University. The University is fortunate enough to have an eminent academician as its Vice-Chancellor who always strives hard to elevate the academic and research standards to the highest peaks in the educational scenario. Let us all join hands to provide best learning environment to all our students by reminding the great quote by great guru Chanakya.
“Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.” Chanakya